Luc Ciompi - Psychiatrist and Author


The most important books by Luc Ciompi

English Books

Luc Ciompi: Psyche and Schizophrenia (book cover) Luc Ciompi
The Bond between Affect and Logic
ISBN-10: 0674719905
ISBN-13: 978-0674719903
Harvard University Press, Cambridge/Mass. (USA) and London (GB), 1988

Cover text:
The Psyche and Schizophrenia offers a remarkably clear and comprehensive treatment of biopsychosocial development and psychotic processes. This extraordinary work lays the theoretical foundation for understanding the relationship between feeling and thinking (affect and logic) in normal as well as in pathological conditions, especially schizophrenia. Ciompi's affective-cognitive theory integrates inter-personal, familial, and social interactions with intrapsychic mental structures and yields startling new insights into the origins of "schizophrenic alienation". While Ciompi acknowledges the important role that genetic and biological models play in schizophrenia, he maintains that it is largely the psychosocial factors that determine long-term prognosis. Thus, The Psyche and Schizophrenia elaborates a number of new therapeutic approaches to the management of biological as well as environmental influences.
Drawing upon Piaget, Freud, and systems theory, as well as advanced current research, Ciompi develops a new model of the normal and pathological functioning of the psyche. This model presents cognition and emotion, the structure of logic and the dynamics of affects, as a complementary system governed by "ubiquitous laws of equilibrium". In this brilliant synthesis of theoretical and empirical research, Ciompi proposes his novel theory of an "affect-logic" that probes the affective structures of logic as well as the logical structures of the emotions. Original in its conception and elegantly written, The Psyche and Schizophrenia is a major contribution to research on schizophrenia, and its penetrating insights and thorough analysis are sure to enrich the field of psychiatry for years to come.

German Books

Luc Ciompi: Aussenwelt - Innenwelt (book cover) Luc Ciompi
Aussenwelt - Innenwelt.
Die Entstehung von Zeit, Raum und psychischen Strukturen.
["Exterior world and interior world. The origins of time, space and mental structures"]
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1988
ISBN-10: 3-525-01411-2
ISBN-13: 978-3525014110

Luc Ciompi: Die emotionalen Grundlagen des Denkens (book cover) Luc Ciompi
Die emotionalen Grundlagen des Denkens.
Entwurf einer fraktalen Affektlogik.
["The emotional bases of thinking.
Outline of a fractal affect-logic"]
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1997
ISBN-10: 3-525-01437-6
ISBN-13: 978-3525014370

Gefühle, Affekte, Affektlogik (book cover) Luc Ciompi
Gefühle, Affekte, Affektlogik.
Ihr Stellenwert in unserem Menschen- und Weltverständnis.
["Feelings, affects, and affect-logic. Their place in our understanding of men and world"]
Wiener Vorlesungen. Picus, Wien 2003
ISBN-10: 3-85452-389-0
ISBN-13: 978-3854523895

Wie wirkt Soteria (book cover) Luc Ciompi, Holger Hoffmann, Michel Broccard (Herausgeber)
Wie wirkt Soteria?
Eine atypische Schizophreniebehandlung - kritisch durchleuchtet.
["How does Soteria work? An alternative treatment of schizophrenia - critically evaluated"]
Huber, Bern-Stuttgart 2001
ISBN-10: 3-456-83570-1
ISBN-13: 978-3456835709

Emotion - Kognition - Evolution (book cover) Manfred Wimmer, Luc Ciompi (Herausgeber)
Emotion - Kognition - Evolution.
Biologische, psychologische, soziodynamische und philosophische Aspekte.
["Emotion - Cognition - Evolution.
Biological, psychological, social and philosophical aspects "]
Filander-Verlag, Fürth, 2005
ISBN-10: 3930831538
ISBN-13: 978-3930831531

Luc Ciompi und Elke Endert: Gefühle machen Geschichte. (Buch-Titelbild) Luc Ciompi und Elke Endert
Gefühle machen Geschichte.
Die Wirkung kollektiver Emotionen - von Hitler bis Obama
["Feelings make history. The effects of collective emotions - from Hitler to Obama"]
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 2011
ISBN 978-3-525-40436-2


Other books edited, co-edited or co-authored by Luc Ciompi

  • Aebi, E., Ciompi, L., Hansen, H.: Soteria im Gespräch. Ueber eine alternative Schizophreniebehandlung, Psychiatrie-Verlag, Bonn 1993
  • Ciompi, L., Heimann, H. (eds.): Psychiatrie am Scheideweg. Was bleibt? Was kommt? Springer, Berlin 1991
  • Ciompi, L., Dauwalder, H.P. (eds.) Zeit und Psychiatrie. Sozialpsychiatrische Aspekte. Huber, Bern - Stuttgart - Toronto, 1990
  • Ciompi, L. (ed.): Sozialpsychiatrische Lernfälle. Aus der Praxis - für die Praxis. Psychiatrie-Verlag, Bonn, 1985
  • Ciompi, L., Müller, C.: Lebensweg und Alter der Schizophrenen. Eine katamnestische Langzeitstudie bis ins Senium. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1976
  • Müller, C, Ciompi, L. (eds.): Senile Dementia. Huber, Bern 1968
  • Müller, C, Ciompi, L., Delachaux, A., Rabinowicz, T., Villa, J.-L.: Alterspsychiatrie, Thieme Stuttgart 1967

Translations in Italian, Spanish and Japanese

Logica affettiva (book cover of the italian edition) Afecto-Lógica (Buch-Titelseite des spanischen Buches) Affektlogik (book cover of the japanese edition) I fondamenti emozionali del pensiero (book cover of the italian edition) Die emotionalen Grundlagen des Denkens (book cover of the japanese edition)

  • Ciompi, L.: Sentimientos, afectos y lógica afectiva: Su lugar en nuestra comprensión del otro y del mundo.- Rev. Asoc. Esp. Neuropsiq., 2007, vol. XXVII, n.º 100, pp. 425-443, ISSN 0211-5735. Artikel (PDF, 157 kB)

© Luc Ciompi - - Last modified: 25.01.2017